Welcome to Sacred Energy Alignments

A little about Rhonda:

Rhonda has pursued her own personal development for over thirty years. This journey has included learning about and becoming a master of several modalities. She has over 25 years of experience as a business strategist and management consultant helping businesses to grow and develop using sacred energy. She works to understand your needs and where you want to be personally and professionally.

She has travelled to many of the sacred power sites around the world including many locations in Egypt, South of France, England, Peru, New Zealand, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Spain and Bali.

Her vast life experiences enable her to understand you and to intuitively know what is needed to assist you on your life’s journey. Her vast life experiences enable her to understand you and intuitively know what is needed to assist you on your life’s journey.

We are living in such important and changing times here on Mother Earth. The Age of Aquarius that has been spoken about for decades is now here. Each of us need to be ready for many changes that are ahead. Its all about each one of us individually, what we wish to create and how we wish to live our lives moving forward.  My workshops and sessions are dedicated to providing you with ‘tools’ and knowledge as well as assisting you to remove any fears habits and beliefs that may be holding you from achieving your highest good.

About Sacred Energy Alignments…..

Sacred Energy Alignments allows the clearing of old belief systems within the subconsciousness of humanity so that, as a planet, we can live in abundance, love, and health, and have beautiful relationships. This works in the group subconsciousness of humanity and in the personal subconscious. When we clear negative feelings out of this subconsciousness, we can help heal not only ourselves but others. Sacred Energy Alignments works toward moving forward, clearing out the unneeded, and building a flourishing world.

When one person disconnects, it disconnects 100,000 people. This is the “square root of one percent.” Beyond individual subconsciousness, beliefs are collective, and these can continue running unless they are cleared in the collective.

Sacred Energy Alignments, are powerful, work quickly, and will empower you more quickly than you can possibly imagine. Each Sacred Energy Alignment is an intense energy of unconditional love and wisdom, which clears away hundreds of limiting beliefs and programs without the need to relive trauma or pain. Sacred Energy Alignments unplug you from the third-dimensional belief systems of fear and lack and plug you into the fifth-dimensional belief system – the energy of the Christ Consciousness of unconditional love and mastery.

Sacred Energy Alignments can release you from hundreds to thousands of belief systems per alignment, and they activate your 18 strands of DNA and your Sacred Geometry… fast! People who have had Sacred Energy Alignments report major changes in their life very quickly.